TDG Gold Identifies Second Copper-Gold Porphyry Target at North Quartz, Baker Complex

In This Article:

WHITE ROCK, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 2, 2024 / TDG Gold Corp. (TSXV:TDG) (the "Company" or "TDG") is pleased to provide a second targeting update focused on the copper-gold-molybdenum ("Cu-Au-Mo") porphyry potential within TDG's ~53 square kilometre ("") Baker Complex, Toodoggone District, B.C. The North Quartz target area1 (Figure 1) is located ~4 km west of the Trident target1 (see news release Mar 07, 2024) and is bounded by TDG's 100% owned Drybrough target to the north and TDG's former producing Baker Mine to the southwest.

North Quartz historically2,3 had only shallow drillholes, all reporting appreciable base metal concentrations (Table 1). In 2023, TDG assayed for base metals in historical drillcore from the Baker B-Vein and demonstrated up to 100 metres ("m") of > 1.0 % copper equivalent5 ("CuEq") from near surface (news releases Jul 25, Aug 15 and Sep 06, 2023). In 2021, TDG completed two diamond drillholes at its 100% owned Drybrough target with both showing anomalous base metals (news release Apr 13, 2022).

This more modern drill information has been combined with historical and modern soil geochemistry and geophysics (Figure 2) to vector towards a potential porphyry target located beneath North Quartz in a road accessible target area covering at least ~ 5.0

<i><strong>Figure 1</strong> - TDG's Baker Complex outlining the North Quartz Area; and Greater-Shasta Newberry.</i>
Figure 1 - TDG's Baker Complex outlining the North Quartz Area; and Greater-Shasta Newberry.

The Baker-North Quartz target area1 is road accessible and located > 1 km from TDG's Baker camp mill and TSF infrastructure. The target area1 is on the north and south flanks of a prominent iron-oxide, gossanous, west-northwest trending ridge (Figure 3) adjacent to a regional scale unconformity (now faulted) between the Toodoggone Formation and the Takla Group volcanic rocks; analogous to the ‘Kyba-Nelson Red Line' unconformity which hosts deposits in the Golden Triangle area of B.C.

Steven Kramar, TDG's VP Exploration, commented: "As we continue our systematic evaluation of our holdings in the Toodoggone, there's compelling data suggesting the Baker Complex has the potential to host one or more copper-gold porphyries. The area is characterized by anomalous base and precious metals in addition to porphyry pathfinder elements such as molybdenum and tellurium, in all geological materials sampled and geophysics suggests the magnitude and geometry of a large intrusive body at depth. The series of Baker Complex target evaluations has already provided two priority drill targets, and we are still evaluating the remaining areas."

<i><strong>Figure 2</strong> - ZTEM Cross Section through North Quartz.</i>
Figure 2 - ZTEM Cross Section through North Quartz.

Prior Exploration Work
The North Quartz target area1 was discovered in the early 1970s and had several generations of ground-based prospecting and sampling campaigns outlining anomalous copper-molybdenum-lead-zinc-gold-silver ("Cu-Mo-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag") concentrations in soil samples, stream sediment samples draining the area, trenches, and shallow drill holes. At least 7 precious and base metal rich quartz-sulphide veins were identified with orientations orthogonal to the Baker A- and B-Veins, suggesting the mineralization may be related, but not directly to the historical Baker Mine.