These taxes are going up, sooner or later

There’s supposedly no reason to worry about the latest tax hikes proposed by President Obama, since there’s little chance Congress will pass them.

But Obama’s plan is a blueprint of sorts for what’s going to happen when federal coffers finally run dry and there’s no choice but to raise taxes—including some that will inevitably hit the middle class.

Budget softies argue there’s no need to worry about a federal money crunch now, since Washington’s annual deficit is falling, the economy’s picking up, and the Treasury can still borrow at remarkably low rates. All true. But barring an economic miracle, the coming crunch is a matter of simple math. The soaring cost of entitlement programs is already crowding out other types of spending, and the mass retirement of the baby boomers is going to drain Social Security and Medicare for good, if nothing changes.

The Medicare trust fund is expected to run out of money first, around 2030. That date sounds sufficiently far in the future that we can stick our fingers in our ears and pretend it will never happen. But there are all sorts of things that could accelerate the budget reckoning, and probably will—rising interest rates, another recession, unexpected costs for a war or some other urgent matter. Or, mere disgust with soaring income inequality and stagnant living standards could trigger new pressure to redistribute wealth from the top (and possibly the middle) downward. In a slowly-improving economy with a rising share of have-nots, it would be foolish to assume Washington can spend beyond its means indefinitely.

Obama and other policymakers — including some Republicans — have provided a useful preview of which taxes are likely to go up first. They’ve targeted those likely to generate the least amount of opposition. Here’s where the pain is likely to hit:

Capital gains and dividends. It seems inevitable that taxes will rise on investment income, since capital gains and dividends accrue to the wealthy more than anybody else and those tax rates are relatively low, historically speaking. Obama likes to point out that the top tax rate on investment income today — 23.5% -- is lower than the top rate under tax-averse President Reagan, which was 28%. It may not go back there under Obama, but it could under his successor.

Some business leaders already seem resigned to higher taxes on investment income. “If capital gains taxes go up, fine,” Jamie Dimon, CEO of J.P. Morgan Chase, recently told the International Business Times. Dimon emphasized he’d only support such a move if it was part of a broader package that included other incentives meant to boost economic growth. What, exactly, will stimulate growth is a matter of some disagreement.