Apple security vulnerability: 'Immediately update' your devices, BlackCloak CEO says

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BlackCloak CEO Chris Pierson joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss Apple’s security vulnerabilities, why Apple users should update their devices, and the outlook for cyberattacks.

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BRIAN SOZZI: All right, switching gears. Security experts are warning Apple users to update their devices. This comes after Apple released two security reports detailing vulnerabilities across iPhones, iPads, and Macs that hackers could exploit to get full admin access to your device.

BlackCloak's CEO Chris Pierson joining us now to discuss. Chris, alarming news here. What should iPhone users be doing?

CHRIS PIERSON: Yeah, this is really alarming news coming out of Apple. Two major fundamental flaws in their operating systems that are affecting almost all iPhones, tablets, and all their modern Monterey computers.

First thing that people should do is immediately update their devices, cell phones, tablets, computers. Go to the Settings. Go to the software. Go ahead and update it. Download it immediately today so that you can make sure that your device is not able to be compromised by any third party, whether it's going to a different website or being actively attacked.

JULIE HYMAN: So Chris, Apple is supposed to be best-in-class with this stuff. So what does it tell us that they had this vulnerability?

CHRIS PIERSON: So there have been a number of different vulnerabilities for Apple this year, seven so-called "zero days." These are massive, massive fundamental flaws that can be exploited. And in this case, it is being actively exploited as we speak.

I mean, Apple is among the best in terms of cybersecurity and making sure that its products are hardened. When flaws do happen, Apple always jumps on it very, very quickly. But because the Apple ecosystem is so tightly combined, once you have a flaw on one device it affects every device and it affects, you know, a lot of different operating systems that they have as well.

But usually, Apple is really, really top notch on this. The main message to everyone is this, is that if you have not updated your device, you are 100% vulnerable right now. So go immediately update it. Once you do so, as long as you keep on patching and keep on updating, you'll be fine. And Apple devices are definitely among the safest out there.

BRIAN SOZZI: When you say vulnerable, what does that mean, Chris? What could a hacker do to my phone?

CHRIS PIERSON: Yeah, so there are two different vulnerabilities that are patched. One is with something called the kernel. Think about the kernel as the heart and brains of every Apple device. That has a fundamental flaw in it that can allow any external attacker, usually gonna be used by nation state or intelligence agency, the ability to access your entire device-- every file, picture, turn on your camera, all the rest.