Jerry Bruckheimer talks ‘Top Gun: Maverick,’ movie theaters evolving, and the future of television

Film & Television Producer Jerry Bruckheimer sits down with Yahoo Finance's Alexandra Garfinkle at Yahoo Finance's 2022 All Markets Summit.

Video Transcript

ALLIE GARFINKLE: Jerry Bruckheimer is one of the most successful film and television producers of all time. A consummate risk taker, Bruckheimer has redefined the Hollywood blockbuster and television entertainment. From "Beverly Hills Cop" to "Pirates of the Caribbean," his films have grossed an estimated $15 billion at the box office.

And after more than four decades on top, Bruckheimer is still smashing records. His latest blockbuster, "Top Gun, Maverick," is his biggest movie yet. It's also Tom Cruise's highest grossing movie ever. Bruckheimer's productions for the small screen are no less impressive. The scripted and reality shows have been among the most popular on television for decades.

Jerry, thank you so much for joining us.

JERRY BRUCKHEIMER: Thanks, Allie. Thanks for having me. It's a pleasure.

ALLIE GARFINKLE: Yes, so first of all, I want to start with "Top Gun, Maverick."

JERRY BRUCKHEIMER: Really? I wonder why we start with that.

ALLIE GARFINKLE: Did you ever think it would be such a smash?

JERRY BRUCKHEIMER: I always hope for the best, expect the worst. So it worked out really well for all of us.

ALLIE GARFINKLE: Why do you think it was so big? It really created a moment when I think people needed it the most. And people hadn't been in theaters in a long time, too.

JERRY BRUCKHEIMER: You know, it's a big entertaining movie with great cast, great people behind the camera-- Joe Kosinski. Tom Cruise is a force. Chris McQuarrie, who worked with us as a producer and a writer, and the rest of our writers. And it was just a great experience across the board. Tom is the hardest working person you'll ever meet. He cares-- he loves to be on a set, first of all. He cares about every single moment, about every single performance. Not only his-- he's all over everything. And he's a much better producer than I'll ever be.

ALLIE GARFINKLE: Really? And your relationship with Tom goes back a really long time, too.

JERRY BRUCKHEIMER: He was like 20 years old when we first started with him.

ALLIE GARFINKLE: I remember hearing a story about how he was actually one of the only people in the original "Top Gun" who could deliver lines from the cockpit.

JERRY BRUCKHEIMER: Well, that's what he-- that's how he learned to make "Top Gun, Maverick" a lot better because he decided that we have to train all the actors for three or four months prior to filming to get him used to the G-Forces. So we started him in a prop plane, very easy [INAUDIBLE]. Then we put him in a jet and, finally, in the F-18. So they were accustomed to taking 7, 8 G's, which, when you see the movie, you see the look on their faces. That's all-- they're not acting.