How Carolyn Aronson became a 'serial entrepreneur'

Starting your own business is something many people dream of. Being an entrepreneur has its rewards, but it doesn't come without its challenges as well.

In this episode of "Financial Freestyle with Ross Mac," It's a 10 Haircare CEO and founder Carolyn Aronson discusses her journey in entrepreneurship and some of the important factors to creating a successful business.

Aronson started her career journey as a hairdresser proceeded to owning a salon then became an entrepreneur. "It was really a progressive career that just evolved into more things," Aronson says. "Creating hair products is like building a house. You have to pull all your contractors together to build your vision. Creating any kind of manufacturing isn't that different."

"So really talking about growing the roots, that is absolutely such a key factor to any business for it to really have longevity," Aronson explains. "A problem with entrepreneurs sometimes," is that "they actually try to do too much by themselves and too fast."

Becoming a successful entrepreneur can be challenging. Aronson discusses some of the key aspects that can help make a successful entrepreneur. "The determination and grit is one thing. But having the ability to stay the course and to withstand time is a whole other thing... I think that really to be within the top 1 or 2%, it's a whole different mindset... It's more than just persistence, perseverance, all the Ps." Aronson explains that "the people that are in the top few percent just don't think the same. We think outside of the box, we think really, really big... We don't have the average fear."

A piece of advice Aronson gives is "don't listen, don't listen to your doubters. Don't listen to the people who tell you you can't or you won't. And ultimately, think about the possibilities. So always think big, but also basically dot your i's, cross your t's." "So much of success is really what you learn along the way because you're constantly learning," Aronson adds.

"Financial Freestyle with Ross Mac" on Yahoo Finance is dedicated to promoting economic prosperity for all. Through expert insights, practical advice, and inspiring success stories, we empower you to build and grow wealth. Join us on this transformative journey toward financial freedom and inclusive economic growth.

This post was written by Mariela Rosales.